Andrea Pleune, PA
Andrea Pleune is a board certified physician assistant. She has worked in various fields of medicine including hospital medicine, family medicine, urgent care and woman’s health. Her passion is women's hormone health. She specializes in treating women who are perimenopausal and menopausal. She has had extensive training on hormone health, she helps her patients achieve hormonal balance in the most effective and safe way. In addition, she created a successful medical weight loss program that empowers her patients to take control of their health. Andrea was raised in a bicultural environment and is fluent in Spanish. She has volunteered in Guatemala setting up women's health clinics in small rural communities bringing medical care to underserved Mayan communities. She is committed to helping improve healthcare access and education for all women. As a mother of two daughters, she is committed to continue educating and empowering women about their bodies.
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A portion of proceeds of all sales will go to empower women around the globe who work on women's sexual and reproductive health in their communities. We will also teach life and business skills to help build sustainable women-led businesses in low-income communities.
The ladies from The Laos Women's Development Centre making The Body Agency fair trade products.