'Oh-Mega' Yummy Gummy
- An Omega 3 Chia and DHA blend to support the building blocks of sexual health.
- Helps to increase female lubrication.
- Fights plaque in your arteries and therefore improve circulation and sensation
Ingredient list: Omega Oil from Chia and DHA which includes Omega-3 (Alpha Linolenic Acid), Omega-6 (Linoleic Acid), Omega-9 (Oleic Acid) 30mg, DHA (Life’sDHA from algae).
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First Period Kit
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A portion of proceeds of all sales will go to empower women around the globe who work on women's sexual and reproductive health in their communities. We will also teach life and business skills to help build sustainable women-led businesses in low-income communities.

The ladies from The Laos Women's Development Centre making The Body Agency fair trade products.